- By BillySFartist
- Artist
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My inspiration for creating art comes from a deep need to understand the power and meaning of images, objects or visuals when it interacts with each other. For example, its like looking at a trainwreck or an auto accident, you are not sure why you keep looking even though its clearly just an accident. Its a deep human need to imagine the POV(point of view) of the object or the people's experiencing the crash. The crash for me is the "energy of the images" when its placed or juxtaposed together. It creates a new experience for me and something for me to think about when I catch glimpse of it in my environment, movies, the internet, art, music books and photography.
I mostly work with acrylics on canvas. It dries fast and allow me to layer and work over it without mudding up its colors like oils. I received my BFA, Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from San Francisco State University. I had an amazing opportunity to study under Paul Pratchenko and Richard Mclean.
I love working on big canvases, 8 foot to 15 foot is my favorite size. I have done commission paintings up to 60 ft. I even use to paint billboards in San Francisco and Los Angeles before the onslaught of big Billboard ink-jet printers. Commission the best San Francisco Bay Area artist by calling 1-415-789-4062.
Tagged: Artist